BCAC announces $303k in United Cultural Fund (UCF) Donations – Grants to be distributed to Broome County artists
February 25, 2025
What: Broome County Arts Council (BCAC), will hold a press conference at the Artisan Gallery in Downtown Binghamton to celebrate the 2025 United Cultural Fund (UCF) Campaign. $242,490 will be distributed to the UCF grant recipients. County Executive Jason Garnar will join us to announce the recipients of this year’s UCF grant awards. BCAC also will acknowledge UCF Campaign donors who made the grants possible. Grant recipients will be available for interviews. Award recipients include large and small arts organizations, community organizations with arts-related projects, and individual artists. During the upcoming year they will be creating and presenting music, theater, cinema, poetry, visual and other art forms for communities in and for Broome County.
Who: County Executive Jason Garnar, BCAC Executive Director Jenny Chang, and Board President Nicholas Cortese. Also joining will be recipients of the General Operating Support and Project Grant.
When: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 | 11:30AM
Where: Artisan Gallery, the Broome County Arts Council (BCAC) – 223 State St. Binghamton NY, 13901
Additional information:
About the BCAC:
The BCAC is an independent, 501(c)3 public service organization that provides community-informed arts programs and services through active planning, advising and education. We serve as a clearinghouse for arts information, and provide stewardship of existing art treasuries through financial support and collaboration. We also grant awards to individual artists, arts organizations and community-based projects. BCAC strives to offer a platform for the community to connect, create, and collaborate.
About the United Cultural Fund:
Since 1987, the BCAC has administered the United Cultural Fund (UCF), a regranting program that supports the arts organizations and artists in Broome County. The UCF is a combined financial campaign for the arts, and one of only 4 such programs in all of New York State; 40 nationwide.
UCF grants have supported operations, public programming, and projects to 121 non-profit arts and cultural organizations as well as individual artists in Broome County. Including our 2025 awards, BCAC has granted over $12 million to the Arts in Broome County.